Increasing Revenue – An Interview with Todd Kelley.
Today, I interview a producer that was able to double his quarterly revenue and then his annual revenue in one year. If you want to learn the step by step of increasing revenue, you will love this interview!
He also shares some insight that will help you succeed in your business and life including:
- The one thing he did that changed the trajectory of his business and life
- The mindset shift that changed everything
- The strategies he used to serve more affluent clients, create more impact, and grow his advisory business
The vast majority of financial advisors and consultants want to know how to serve more clients and make more revenue. Well, if that is you, you are going to love today’s interview with Todd Kelley.
After doubling his quarterly revenue, he then doubled his annual revenue. And it all began with one simple but critical shift.
In today’s episode: Increasing Revenue – an interview with Todd Kelley, you will see the power of developing a solid foundation with clear values and goals. You will also learn how to create a strategy that works for you and the secret to increasing your revenue.
- The power of the inner game and the impact it has on your revenue.
- What you can do to double your revenue with ease.
- The #1 skill you need to serve more ideal, affluent clients.
- The power of affirmative statements to achieve your goal.
- The power of HVAs, LVAs, and NVAs to achieve results.
- Why getting clear on your ideal, profitable client is so critical.
- How to choose the best lead generation strategies to attract your ideal prospect.
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Here is the link to watch today’s episode: “Increasing Revenue – an interview with Todd Kelley”
To Your Happiness and Success!